Parcels >50ha

Performed services: Environmental audits
Date: 2020-2022

About the construction

We carried out comprehensive environmental audits for several properties ranging from 50 to 65 ha. The plots were mainly located in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and intended for warehousing and logistics facilities, and residential zones.

Client benefits

The Client received a yellow red flags risk assessment report. Reliable data on the state of soil and groundwater within the property allowed us to properly appraise the plots and make lucrative business decisions. Also, we provided the actual costs of remediation and advised on how to carry it out, including the issue of obtaining relevant administrative decisions.


“I have been working with Geotest and Mr Michał Grela for years in the field of soil tests and risk assessment for the construction of large-scale commercial properties. Geological tests and environmental audits are an important support for us at the planning stage of investments, including brownfield projects.” 

Bartłomiej Krawiecki

In large areas, we often encounter diverse conditions - on one property there may be a closed industrial plant, water intake, wetlands, weak soils and conservation protection zones. An in-depth case study and a global view of the project are required. The biggest challenge of such projects is to coordinate the work of many teams of specialists.

Project Manager