We carry out advanced land analysis projects in Poland and abroad to provide business value for our clients.

Watch the November webinar

After the success of the first September webinar, we did another one entitled: Jak zaprojektować badania podłoża dla Twojej inwestycji (przykłady dobrej praktyki). Watch the recording

Environmental audits

Assessment of investment risks prior to acquisition or development of a property already owned.

Geological and geophysical tests

Any type of soil tests in accordance with current regulations and the Eurocode 7 guidelines.

Soil and water contamination tests

For the implementation of project, to find out the environmental impact of facilities and installations, and when carrying out remediation or forming embankments. 

The company's main field of activity is consulting on soil and ground water contamination and the suitability of the subsoil for foundation, as well as consulting on construction and geology. We provide services in Poland and abroad.

Geotest ensures high quality through its long-time experience, qualified staff and advanced machinery.


nearly 10000 completed projects


30+ years in the industry


30+ consultants


4000+ environmental samples tested per year

Geotest’s strengths


Thanks to our unique database of soil from across the country we are able to assess land quickly and precisely.


Acquired on a wide variety of projects, often technically difficult and requiring best equipment and expertise.


Best experts with many years of experience, including the nationally recognised ones, ready to carry out even the most demanding projects.


We deliver our services with exceptional care, following a process plan developed based on best market practice.


Continuous development, an innovative approach to research and analysis, and constant implementation of the latest soil assessment solutions.


Professional consulting on your investments. We want to make sure that our Clients maximise their investments through our expertise.

Request a consultation

With Geotest, you will optimise costs and minimise the risks of your investment at the same time.


Polish Association of Subsoil Investigators

We are the originator and founding member of a nationwide organisation whose mission is to raise the quality of assessment, and promote high standards and soil testing in our country.